Creative and Cultural Industry Association SOUNDLESSNESS in collaboration with Elementary Music School “Mladen Pozajić” Sarajevo, Secondary Music School Sarajevo, Academy of Music University of Sarajevo, University of Sarajevo, Jewish Cultural, Educational and Humanitarian Society “La Benevolencija” Sarajevo and Bosnian Outdoor Activities Association organise The 4th International Piano Competition Memorial Matusja Blum.
Competition rules 2024
- The competition is intended for young pianists, regardless of type of education, gender and nationality.
- In the following text, masculine nouns are used and refer to all genders.
- The organizer is the only one to retain all rights to audio and video recordings, productions and audio-video materials of the Matusja Blum Memorial - Sarajevo 2024
- The organizer reserves the right to publish audiovisual materials. Candidates for the competition waive all rights, such as copyright or any other rights in connection with the use of music and video material gained through their participation and / or musical performance during the competition and the events accompanying the entire Matus Blum Memorial.
- In the piano discipline, the competition will take place in alphabetical order, starting with the letter "S" of the candidate's last name.
- In the discipline of piano duo, the competition will take place in alphabetical order, starting with the letter "S" of the surname of the candidate who plays the section - "piano primo" or the section of the first piano.
- Competitors must report to the Competition Office with the presentation of documents (identity card or passport), no later than one hour before their performance.
- It is allowed to change the competition program stated in the application, except for the given composition if it is provided in the propositions. The change is communicated to the organizers in writing (e-mail) or when registering the competitor no later than one hour before their performance.
- Each competitor will be able to play before the performance, as well as a short acoustic rehearsal in the hall where the competition is held. The schedule of acoustic rehearsals will be announced on the competition website.
- The expert jury is composed of eminent domestic and foreign pianists and pedagogues. At least one member of the jury in all competition disciplines should preferably be from the Matusje Blum class.
- The Organizer has the discretionary right to replace or supplement the members of the jury before the start and/or during the competition.
- If a member of the judging panel teaches or is related to a competitor or his/her pedagogue, he/she must refrain from judging. The members of the jury also refrain from judging the competitors from the institution they represent.
- Competitors are not obliged to use the maximum time allotted for a certain category, and the jury has the right to suspend the performance of a candidate who exceeds the allotted time. The competitor is not excluded from the evaluation.
- Secretaries of the jury measure the performance time of the candidates by categories and warn the expert jury about exceeding the allotted performance time.
- The schedule and dates of the competition by categories will be published on the website of the competition and in the program booklet, about which the competitors will be informed in time.
- The expert jury has the opportunity to award a special prize to the most successful pedagogue at its own discretion.
- The decisions of the jury are final and irrevocable.
- Travel expenses, accommodation, food and other expenses of the competitors and their companions are borne by the competitors themselves.
- The organizer is not responsible for any injuries to candidates and their companions and / or damage to instruments and other equipment available to participants during the competition.
- By applying for the competition, the candidate confirms that he agrees that the data about him remain in the database of the competition, as well as that they can be used to create reports on the competition, placement of competitors, statistics, etc. which, if necessary by the Organizer, may be published in whole or in part.
- The application deadline for the 4th International Piano Competition - Matusja Blum Memorial is April, 19th 2024.
- The organizer of the Matusja Blum Memorial - Sarajevo 2024, the Association of Creative and Cultural Industries of the Ministry of Culture, reserves the right to change the current Ordinance.
- When interpreting the Ordinance, the B / H / S language version is valid.
Applications are possible only by e-mail - electronic application forms on the web address: www.matusjablum.ART. With the application, the candidates are obliged to enclose a copy of their birth certificate, passport or identity card, and confirmation they have paid the registration.
The application deadline for the 4th International Piano Competition is 19th April, 2024.